
Win Streaks from on August 11th, 2023
cp-ur 1020 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

This list is pretty similar to my original EFB list but obviously with the new Fenrir and the Seven Star draw spell.

Currently running some test without Fenrir Unicorn and Birth. The full Kashtira package Endymion can use is 2x Fenrir, 1x Unicorn, 1x Birth, 1x Planet and 2x Seven Stars.

Fenrir is arguably one of the most powerful main deck cards Konami has ever printed in the history Yu-Gi-Oh. Endymion ALWAYS have to deal with and break a fully cooked board when going 2nd and Fenrir is great addition in helping Endymion in that regards.

Tips & Notes:

  • I believe Sloth from here on out will be useless because Fenrir and Kash can effortlessly out it so I've taken him out. Village is still powerful but I think it's time I heavily prioritize in draw power. Since I'm not running Sloth anymore, I may considering running Called By again for Maxx C and since Shifter is going to become more popular again.
  • EFB package is still viable at the moment since Ariseheart isn't here. Once Ariseheart comes, EFB essentially dies.
  • Having IP on your endboard is a must now. I'm running some test with the new Sky Striker Azalea.
  • When using either Allure or Seven Stars, if you have IoC in your hand, search for Souls, then if you have a dead card or a brick, send that card back, special summon Souls to shuffle the deck, then activate Allure or Seven Stars to banish IoC.
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