
Win Streaks from on August 27th, 2023
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 540
40 cards

Notes & Combos

This is pure dino built to go first. Honestly, I feel like this version is much more reliable than the scrap variant because you can play more non engine, and also doodle beast makes it so that you dont lose to maxx c, since you can ovi search it and pass. Helps deal with monster floodgates aswell and can facilitate dodging skill drain also.

Engine is fairly standard aside from the doodle beast addition, which ive explained. Dogoran is searchable kaiju, it was a bit mid for me in my games and caused my streak to end since i bricked on it and pank, but it gives the deck slightly better ability going second, and is going to be good post banlist implementation since i can out stuff like borrelend and avramax with relative ease. I play small world and prosp for added consistency, and 3 field also helps with consistency and going second overall. Huge shoutout to the dino doc for recommending the zoodiac engine, which allows me to end on elf, uct, laggia and drident going first. elf is good here since instead of secure gardna i link off the last baby and the linkuriboh for elf, elf revive, then on opponents turn i can resummon baby pop for tyranno, summon ovi which can search either misc or doodle beast depending on situation.

Lastly I'll touch on some of my tech choices in main deck and utility in extra. Deck space is fairly tight, so i chose the best non engine, standard minigame package. but i also went with gamma over fenrir, bystials, imperm, or board breakers. My reason for this was that it can protect 50% of opening plays in our combos, ones which start with misc. Also, people have been shotgunning maxx c bc of kash, so it's good there, and overall a high impact handtrap. i think its also not a half bad small world bridge, tho im not exactly sure. For xyz, since my endboard will always be either laggia or dolkka, i dont need any other rank 4 disrupts like dweller or bagoo. Tornado dragon has been handy quite a few times, and I've considered exciton knight and boarbow but overall fairly situational. Sprind is awesome because if i open lost world + combo, i can keep a baby face up, and then make it with baby and linkuriboh. I wouldn't have enough link mats for ip plays so its quite good here as an extra disruption. also doubles as a board breaker. BLS and goddess are just handy utility. im on the fence about lambda, but i need something to get value off gamma on my turn. was considering phoenix as a replacement.

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