Sky Striker

WCS 2023 Qualifiers DLv. Max from on May 23rd, 2023
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 570
40 cards

Notes & Combos

What I learned:

  • You don't need to rely on your normal summon in this deck.
  • It is important to prioritize having three spells in the graveyard over Raye.
  • Multirole is a crucial card and should be your top priority.
  • It is recommended not to remove Area Zero from your deck as it can help you get rid of unwanted cards like Evenly Matched and special summon Raye from the deck. It can be quite beneficial.
  • Including three copies of Upstart Goblin and three copies of Chicken Game can assist in maintaining three spells in the graveyard, particularly against Ishizu cards.
  • Ningirsu is actually a good card to include in the deck.
  • You need to run at least 2 cosmic
  • It is not recommended to use the Spellbook Engine in any form. Testing different ratios and playing it extensively revealed that Judgment is inconsistent. If you opt for a smaller engine without Judgment, you may end up with bricks when drawing Spellbook of Knowledge. It is better to replace the Spellbook Engine with handtraps.
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ID: 405-260-351 I have been exclusively playing Sky Striker since Master Duel released. Throughout this time, I have meticulously saved only the most captivating and exhilarating replays from my matches. These replays showcase intense duels against formidable opponents such as Prime Drytron and Halq combo, among others. Each replay is truly captivating and highly enjoyable to watch. It is important to note that the latest replays were played using the current deck list I am utilizing.