
WCS 2023 Qualifiers DLv. Max from on May 23rd, 2023
cp-ur 480 + cp-sr 570
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Welcome to Ghoti! This deck is my own creation which I polished over the course of the entire First Round of the World Championship 2023 Qualifiers.

I climbed all the way from Level 6 to MAX with an incredible win rate against the "best deck" Ishizu Tearlaments and other decks that are hard to beat when locked; even Monarchs!

It doesn't feature any Handtraps except for Imperm, simply because I don't like them and rather play cards I can use in my plays or bait the opponent to waste his resources.

The gameplan is to control the opponent on their turn and banish their combo pieces or board entirely. (Thanks Ghoti!) Usually done with the Level 2 Ghoti Tuners after banishing them on the previous turn as cost for Snopios, the Field Spell and Deep Sea Aria or with Gold Sarcophagus (as bait option).

I tend to start the game with something like Gold Sarc or Foolish

Ice Barrier - Do not activate when playing Deep Sea Diva next! It locks into WATER, and hinders any play into Stardust!

Bait the enemy for Ash and check the chain timer on if they have any response before playing Deep Sea Diva and getting Guitar on board. If any cards want to get summoned next to them, I do it that way I can banish-mill more cards thanks to Guitar.

Read the banished cards to know what the opponent plays - once pulled an Exodia Piece and instantly won ~ yay

Use Guitar to double the level of either itself to 6 or a level 4 to 8 to Synchro Summon into either Accel Star Dust to set up, Dragite to protect against spells or one of the Level 10s that isn't Ghoti. (depending on the information gotten from the banish-mill)

Guitar can banish itself to Boost the Attack of a WATER monster. That way it can boost Cheng's ATK but also trigger Chengs effect to banish!

If no Deep Sea in hand then Beautunaful Princess and Sharks are your best friends! Get a Rank 4 on board and set up the GY with Ghoti that you can get there on different ways. (I rarely bricked but happened twice in 60 games)

OH F!SH! is a great Counter Trap that outs any Monster Effect the opponent wants to pull on you, hinders ANY quick effects the opponent might want to use. And it also recycles one banished MAIN DECK(!) fish, sea serpent or aqua monster which is MASSIVE for Zep and Guitars.

Think about the environment and recycle! WE BANISH A LOT! It's been an insane tool many don't expect like the Shark or the Spanish Inqusition.

TL;DR Use Big Fish to banish Small Fish to banish Opponent. My Pizza just arrived :D

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Here's why Timing the Synchros is important: