
WCS 2023 Qualifiers DLv. Max from on May 20th, 2023
cp-ur 690 + cp-sr 630
42 cards

Notes & Combos

Vernusylph Gem-Knights is a combination of some best EARTH engines which are Block Dragon Adamancipator engine and Ishizu shufflers engine.

Gem-Knights, the deck's namesake, is your go-to lethal methods (FTK or OTK) while Baronne, Bagooska, and Apollousa gives you fallback option in case you'll miss lethal.

Armadillo and Quartz are amazing extension along with Vernusylphs and Gravekeeper's trap. The idea is to use Quartz as discard cost for Vernusylphs or Mudora and summon it for either Granite or Phantom Quartz.

Block dragon Adamancipator is also amazing as you could either build board to FTK or STUN your opponent via Baronne, Apollousa and even Bagooska. (protected by Spright elf).

Maxx C not only serves as card draw but act as game stopper to setup your opponents into Quartz 1 card combos. Carefully time your Maxx C if considering to use Quartz

Ishizu shufflers is what keeps your confidence against tearlaments matchup. Gravekeeper's Trap synergyzes really well with the deck.

Quarts and Brilliant fusion function varies. Some of these are: sending block dragon, gaining +1 hand, simply add gem- on field for phantom quartz. Careful on Quartz extra deck lock.

Deck can either go Lapis Lazuli Burn or Topaz Burn for lethal.

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In-game replays: 393-618-571

WCQ2023 youtube replays:

====================My Gem-Knights Youtube Channel====================