
WCS 2023 Qualifiers DLv. Max from on May 25th, 2023
cp-ur 900 + cp-sr 510
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Normally my endboard will be: Gameciel ("Infinite Negates"), Spheres (retunr to hand, +1 Counter in Waterfront and opponent cannot summon light or dark) + Areadbhair (Monster negate and banish), Savage (4400 ATK Omninegate).

For this combo you'll need Remus + 2 Discards or Ravine + 3 Discards... yeah that's it.

Guisarme it's so underated... he turn into blackrose or make barone with the help of tempest or just help you when they Imper your Gae Dearg at some point on top of that act like a aquip dragunity tuner... so good.

Thanks konami for unbanning Fairy Dragon sooo let's abuse it like we do with Gae Dearg hahaha

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Replays ID: 347524656 In those Replays you will find the full combo and some other difficult machtups that I found the way to win.