
Theme Chronicle from on January 18th, 2023
cp-ur 600 + cp-sr 810
40 cards

Notes & Combos

For the event this deck is almost entirely untouched except to replace rasterliger with access code. The typical board involves 3 counter traps plus Knightmare Gryphon on an odd numbered column -such as the middle of the field- ( for preventing Gryph's link arrows to be pointed anywhere.) this placement is easily accessible thanks to proxy dragon. which you can link under union carrier, borg blocker or saryuja pointing down.


Plays like an older variant of Spyrals retaining and abusing much of what made this deck broken thanks to dangers, curious and grepher being unlimited. Curious may not be a lavalval chain but its pretty **** close. This deck makes nearly unbreakable boards. Unless someone actually sphere modes then lightning storms you lol. Can play through 1-2 disruptions, but definitely not more.


especially if an effect veiler or imperm is well timed this deck is easily chokable. Rough to play through Maxx C as well. just set 1 counter trap as soon as possible and end turn. Lines are rough to learn but are very rewarding although a new or returning player will easily lose to himself.


Abyss dweller is optional but its very good against orcust and is still a good craft for the future. If youve invested in spyrals you probably have most of these cards so give the harmonica boy's deck a shot!

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