
Synchro x Xyz Festival from on September 20th, 2022
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 360
40 cards

Notes & Combos

This list can be optimized a looot more. But I feel the base is great. Swordsouls are strong...

I haven't felt the need to change anything from the main deck so far.

I would play with the ratios a bit more, maybe more wyrms like the level 4 tenyis or ashuna if you feel you are bricking a lot. Or more handtraps and/or board breakers.

Some other notes

-First turn I prefer Qixing over Baronne. I feel it does a better job than Baronne in this event where there's not as many floodgate stuff and everyone is more focused in comboing. And that Qixing burn adds up to defeat your opponent turn 3. But its just a preferrence, and something that may change in the following days when people start figuring out the event meta.

-Pot of Desires x3 feels necessary, even if you banish almost all of your swordsouls in deck. You don't want to brick turn 1 and you seek to end this game quickly so you can get to the next one.

-Baronne and Baxia eat boards alive going second after your opponent used negates/disruption on cards like Lighting Storm.

-Dinowrestler has been CRACKED going second. At least day 1, it does so much work by itself.

-Satellite Warrior, PSY-Framelord Omega, the Zoodiacs and Zeus haven't come up for me even once after multiple games, these are very much flex spots. Consider replacing it for other good stuff you have like a Bagooska, another Baronne, or something. Maybe some situational level 7s or 9s for the rare normal summon ash or veiler.

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