
Synchro x Xyz Festival from on September 23rd, 2022
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 540
48 cards

Notes & Combos

The combo differs slightly from the normal routes because you can't link off Dugares, monoceros etc. You make Baronne with Gluttonous + Coelacanth and pop Dugaress to make space. Sync Monocerous into the extra zone and make Dragite with Monocerous + Fishborg.

Full combo endboard I make is Baronne, Dragite, Kragen, Chengying.

No where near optimized because this was just taken from the ordinary list that summons Barrier statue at the end (via Deep sea Prima Donna). I tried to substitute it with Testudo Erat Numen but it kept appearing in my opening hand so I removed it.

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