Synchro x Link Festival from on February 19th, 2024
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 960
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Playing 1card combo Mikanko SPYRAL for the event. I started off playing Infernobles, and then a more going 2nd/handtrap heavy SPYRAL list but then kind of missed Infernobles again so I decided to find a middle ground and play an Isolde SPY list. I also could have chosen some link payoffs but since this is the synchro/link festival I decided to add some of those in my ED :D

Tuners are accessible through isolde (using any 2 warriors including super agents+curious), curious, the small sinful engine or ravine. Mikanko combo can get you into arc light which can search you souls, and by then you should have 3 spells to link climb to selene to summon MP.

The combo and the board is not the same every time so I just improv, but you will normally end with 1-2 omni negates, Sleeper and 2-3mat apo. If you are lucky you can get a hand rip through dolphin as well :D

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Master Duel ID: 462-550-029

Mostly just regular SPYRAL ladder replays right now but will add some for this list if I find any that are fun :)