
Monster Type Festival from on July 23rd, 2023
cp-ur 360 + cp-sr 690
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Trickstar gameplay + comments

7 wins streak during the july Fairy-Fiend event

First off I'm not really a good player by any mean and you can probably drive it better than I did. This deck doesn't give a lot of room for misplays since you have to optimize every single burn effect to kill your opponent, otherwise you often let your opponent around 2k HP and lose afterwardsn so it's important you take your time and think about what you want to do for your turn based on what you have in your hand.

Decklist comments: this is pretty much the list you want to play. Some cards are just personal preference.

-"Angel of Blue Tears" is a bit meh since it's not searchable and fairly niche, it rarely won me games, also it's a UR that is NOT in the Trickstar pack so it really isn't worth it in my opinion, I just wanted to include it for the sake of having the newest Trickstar card. You can replace it with another shuffler trap (I'll talk about it right below).

-"Disturbance Strategy" or "Present Card" ? They do similar effects that is to say make the opponent draw from their deck to proc' "Lycoris" 's burn effect. The difference being that one shuffles the SAME AMOUNT of cards they have in hand INTO THE DECK, the other one being a draw of a SET NUMBER OF 5 CARDS but SENDS THE ORIGINAL HAND IN THE GRAVEYARD. The choice is a bit tricky. "Disturbance Strategy" is safer because you know that the opponent won't be able to proc' effects from the cards you would have sent to the GY with "Present Card", since it's simply shuffled back into the deck. But "Present Card" offers 90% of the time more damage than the previous one on "Lycoris", because your opponent pretty much have no cards in hand after they finished their turn (ESPECIALLY since it's a Labrynth infested event). It's a higher risk / higher reward card compared to the first we talked about. I think you can play 2 of both for a total of 4 shuffling traps (not counting "Reincarnation").

-Tech' cards: I didn't try it but "Dark Bribe" is probably really interesting due to the event being dedicated to Labrynth players. Not only it negates one of their trap effect, but it also makes them draw a card which is another source of burn for your "Lycoris". You'd replace "Angel of BT" or "Narkissus" for this card. Also "Lava Golem" might be a cool control option ! "Evenly" is just too good to get slept on imo, it gives you way more consistency.

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July Fiend/Fairy event replays

Previous event (June) replays

Here I recorded the 7 games winstreak (some games are more interesting than some). I got fairly lucky, got "Evenly" when it was needed and such. There is a high chance you'll brick or will be unable to do much with your starting hand in a 7 games sample but to be fair I got surprisingly consistent results with the deck so who knows.