
Monster Type Festival from on July 25th, 2023
cp-ur 360 + cp-sr 750
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Tired of Facing Labrynth without being able to retaliate? Tired of Labrynth Mirrors into 30+ turns? Want the event Jems so you can build Labrynth? This is the deck for you!

So I was not lucky enough to get full copies for a pure labrynth deck. Thus I have to improvise.

Turns out Unchained is perfect for countering Labrynth in the event as you cannot be stopped by maxx C or ash:

  • if your unchained monster is destroyed during your turn, you can bring out Unchained Soul of Disaster (0 attack doggo) from deck to omnom one of their monsters into link-2 Unchained Soul of Rage to omnom a special summon on their turn. However, take note that Lady has targetting protection when opp has backrow. And you till turn it into a Link-3 Unchained Soul of Anguish to omnom again on your turn into Link-4 Unchained Bicc Doggo, get up to 3 pops a turn.
  • Unchained Abomination a.k.a Big Doug can pop when any other card destroy a card, any monster got destroyed by battle, and at the end phase (you can skip activation, wait till they use IKEA, chain effect to destroy set card before new chain to activate the trap)

So feel free to eat their Lovely or Arianna, or sometimes even Lovely to make your doggo bigga.

Lovely can search for unchained traps which is pretty unhinged too, cause Big Doug even when dead can be brought back to life with Abominable Chamer of the Unchained (You can also bring back link-2 or 3 doggos to onnom if you had not that turn)

Happy eating, I mean the Labrynth Castle is shiny pearly white and all but this time we are stopping them at the gates with the guard dogs alone.

p.s. about the extra deck, I am lazy and just threw cards in there. There are probably good rank 4 xyz but I am too lazy, and would probably make a doggo anyways

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