
Monster Type Festival from on July 20th, 2023
cp-ur 480 + cp-sr 780
40 cards

Notes & Combos

The idea here is summoning 2 fairies into the field to either synchro into Masterflare or link into Moon to pop off.

Your starters are Diviner, Earth and Venus, in this priority, unless you have Transmodify, which turns Earth into the best starter by far (because even if she gets negated you can transmod her into Venus and have the full combo). Normal summon Diviner with Trias already in hand or GY is also a safe start since she can be quickly tributed to dodge most interactions and can skip Moon's dump by sending Majesty to the GY.

The endboard will be Masterflare + 2-3 mats Apollo + Mirage Lights (fairy on hand, otherwise summon Phoenix to protect apollo from battle) + Fallen Sanctuary, which is quite consistent due to the amount of starters that we have. Fallen will also set Chorus on activation so we can rebuild fully next turn.

Your priority is to get Venus on field to generate materials, then to summon Masterflare (which will dump Destruction Venus to generate even more), then, if possible, Venus again (x9 Spherical Objects total). Without Kristya, Knightlord will search for Fallen Sanctuary. Moon will either add Earth or dump Majesty most of times.

Triple Kurikara can be swapped off for other going 2nd options like lightning storm, HFD and the such. Backroll removal is quite valuable with this many Lab players around, which is why I'm also using Reboot. Small World can search literally anything if you bridge correctly. Loagaeth is also quite handy going 2nd as she can be the 2nd fairy body on the field and banish a face-up for literally no cost. Remember that Chorus can only add a banished card if it adds the card on the GY first, and the banished card MUST mention "The Sanctuary in the Sky", so pay attention when you're banishing stuff to activate your effects.

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