
Monster Type Festival: King of the Island from on September 14th, 2023
cp-ur 510 + cp-sr 390
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Simple, straightforward and inexpensive. I tried different level 1 techs to speed up the deck and only "Simorgh, Bird of Beginning" convinced me. It's an R so it's not difficult to craft, it can be recycled since we carry a lot of back removal, and it's one of our normal ones that can enable "Where Arf Thou" or "Sapphire Swallow". Far from it, the deck works as usual, trying to deplete the opponent's field and attacking continuously with "Assembled Nightingale". P.S: If you suspect a back to avoid your OTK, it is preferable to spend names and get to "Promenade" for the bait.

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