
Master V from on September 15th, 2023
cp-ur 480 + cp-sr 450
40 cards

Notes & Combos

The certified - non cope (I am coping) - way to play lyrilusc!

  • going first you aim to get to utopic draco future + nightingale + robin with ~5-6 mats
  • going second you ether otk with 6-8 mat nightingale, recital starlings into the kaiju (you can boost it to 3900 with one recital and crash 2 into it to damage both players 7800 (purrely sometimes only have 7500lp)) or a mix of both
  • it's sooooo easy to get into a zeus and you can choose your monster to go into it based on your opponents board

Some things to consider when piloting the deck:

  1. A neat thing you can do with warbler + swallow's nest: warbler can summon itself from gy after being tributed
  2. Be aware of the winged beast lock on simorgh
  3. Always summon the kaijus in the zones under the extra monster zone so you can take them with anima
  4. Summon utopic future dragon into the emz so you have enough space
  5. If possible try to keep swallows and a sparrow on board for extra materials and targeting protection (try to not use swallow for a recital if you can)

The extra deck is very much adaptable to your preferences. I play Azalea as I sometimes want to get monsters off my board so I can use warblers effect. Maybe you can also cut a wagtail.

Anyways, Have Fun!

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