Fur Hire

Master V from on September 16th, 2023
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 330
41 cards

Notes & Combos

D5 TO D3 was ****. After that it was mostly purrelys and kashtira to M5 and it got easier.

Plan is always going second to otk with Bravo, but if impossible then just play the grind game abusing Folgo and Rex. If you are bricked on turn 2 because opponent pass, then just pass as well. Purrely is almost always unable to otk turn 3 so just give them 1 more turn so you can get to your boardclear and otk.

Fur Hire mvp has to be Saggita, clutched many times when low on atk for the otk. As for staples, Change of heart continues to be the mvp of the format, only weak vs Noir but there is kaijus and kurikara for that.

I orignally tried to run at least 1 copy of every Fur Hire but Dyna and Wiz really are not that good on this meta. Dyna was good versus Tear but rarely see one anymore, and the S/T negate on Wiz is really not that relevant, only wished to have him a couple times agains Labrynth but that match up is almost auto lose anyway if they win the coin. Saggita on the other hand clutches with the burn a lot or simply by protecting from imperms/veilers mid combo.

I was running 3 cherries but oppening more than 1 is awfull no matter the matchup. I never cut it out because it won me a lot of duels vs kashtira (specially when they prosp/extrav), and is also good if you do not have kaiju and see the normal summon purrely line. You do not really need the full ED spaces anyway with Fur Hire.

Biggest challenge was mikanko tbh, but again, just pass until you have ash for their maxx c and otk and you are good to go, they cant play if you dont play. They were also the reason I started running 2 kaijus over 1 and 3 Evenly match.

At first glance looks like you are going to brick a lot but no, every card in your hand either combos with the Fur engine or actually slows your opponent a lot. There are brick hands of course but not as much as it seems.

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