Evil Eye

Master V from on October 22nd, 2023
cp-ur 900 + cp-sr 480
40 cards

Notes & Combos


Ideal End Board(s): ```python Serziel (+ Selene), Number 75, Cicada King

EE Retribution + Imperm + There Can Only Be One / Skill Drain / Artifact Sanctum ```

Usual End Board: ```python Serziel (+Selene), Cicada King, and sometimes Basilius

EE Retribution / EE Retribution + (Any other trap card) ```

My whole idea behind this deck is to aggrivate the opposition as much as possible try to stop them as much as possible as well as hold on to dear life as we'll be able to bring back our defeated monsters to either go into Gorgon or Zerrziel based on the situation to possibly end it off. Most of the time though I wouldn't get the Ideal ED and end up having to let Serziel solo everyone which surprisingly he does really well.


If in need of replays I have a couple from Master V ~ Master IV just comment.

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