
Master V from on November 13th, 2023
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 510
44 cards

Notes & Combos

Vaylantz still super strong. I really have been liking this list so far. Floodgates are not needed and honestly just a brick in this format. Usually if you can get through opponents handtraps you will just win anyway so more engine is good. 3 Golem has been pretty necessary and not hurting consistency much since we got rid of the other bricks.

This can play very well going 1st or 2nd but you still choose 1st if you win coinflip.

The endboard we're going for is Coolia with dreamia scaled, Arktos (under coolia), Bagooska, and hopefully either Saion or Dom Duke (also under coolia) if you can manage. You can make bagooska under coolia and use Arktos to swap one of them to get them under coolia to activate.

Only thing I'm thinking about changing is swapping out gamma package for 2 red reboots to stop lab, and more importantly, the ever increasing ammount of mathmech players who solo us with their trap.

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