Vanquish Soul

Master V from on November 9th, 2023
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 630
40 cards

Notes & Combos

The deck is decently hard but very fun...when u draw razen. I actually alrdy tried a couple of different variations but this is what I've had modt success with. Most matchups are honestly quite even, or even in our favor except for purrely, it was almost completely unplayable for me till I swapped to this version. Droll is the best HT vs purrely, which is why im running it at 3 and its quite decent if not good in most other matchups. The VS trap card, while seeming really good honestly felt win more 99% of the time and since im running Thrust I wanted a good turn 1 option to set and that card would almost never be live. The Zoos never came up, kurikara very rarely came up, should probably switch to dogoran, the charmers never came up, we dont link summon enough for accesscode to get any value and i also never rlly used big eye, I'd still consider it a good option tho

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