Plunder Patroll

Master V from on November 14th, 2023
cp-ur 1140 + cp-sr 540
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Word of warning - this deck is fairly high skill cap. Some Plunder effects will lock you into Plunder's only for the rest of the turn, which can turn off your Lab traps / Nibiru / Kaijus. You do need to be able to sequence your plays and interaction rather optimally, as well as identify what interaction is more valuable against what your opponent is bringing.

Having said that, the deck is very fun. Discarding Whitebeard (eg via Stove) on Turn 0 to make Redbeard, which goes into Jord which goes into another ship etc is pretty cool.

Anyway, I ran 60 cards because I am unlucky and the coin toss likes to make me go first (or draw Lovely Lady in my opening hand x_x) so I figured having a ton of hand traps would be useful. Its also nice to draw into them with Blackbeard if you didn't draw a Plunder. For that reason, I didn't run Triple Tactics because it feels dead going first, and doesn't offer enough going second - especially as people are better about using effects in draw/standby rather than main. Thrust is cool though for setting backrow though, and for searching Evenly which is nice to have against backrow decks (or just board breaking in general).

Small World was put in just so I could bridge between hand traps into Starters, or to bridge into Kaiju's against some specific end boards. Its also searchable via Thrust. I tested ghost Ogre / ghost belle for that very reason but both hand traps were kinda hit and miss for me, so I replaced them with Gamma, which Punishs Draw / Standby Phase Maxx C.

Speaking of Maxx C - the deck doesn't mind it too much. It stops you extending on your turn but equally, Redbeard / Whitebeard pass (backed by a couple of traps and hand traps) gives your opponent 0-1 draws and then you go into Jord on your opponents turn anyway. The Plunder / Lab engines go pretty well together since either engine forces out the Ash Blossom, allowing the other to go off.

Extra deck is pretty standard, but I don't run Zeus because I never went into it - probably because I'm usually Plunder locked by the time its possible to summon it. Instead, I went with Baron so that hands of like Fenrir + Ash + Ash + Blackeyes + Big Welcome (or whatever) doesn't die to a single Ash Blossom your opponent inevitably has. It came up exactly once, but I won because of it so ehh.

Dunno if I'll try and push this deck to M1 or not since I'm still getting used to the Lab engine (I used to play Plunder pure) but I think it has potential to get there.

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