
Master V from on November 28th, 2023
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 360
40 cards

Notes & Combos

I just wanna play my birds dude.

Going first gameplan is to get out UDF using 2 Recital Starlings and the biggest Ensemblue Robin you can. Can sometimes get a bit bricky if you end up with too much non-engine, but Droplet and the books can slow down the opponent if necessary.

Priority should always be ending on UDF and some amount of mats on Ensemblue Robin. Ensemblue Robin should be made with Cobalt Sparrow if possible.

Purrely and Kash basically can't touch anything made with Cobalt Sparrow. In a perfect world you also have an Assembled Nightingale made with Cobalt Sparrow.

Nobody ever Nibs before UDF for some reason. People are greedy I guess.

General priority should be UDF > Ensemblue Robin with Cobalt Sparrow > Ensemblue Robin > Assembled Nightingale.

Going second your goal is to turn off their board if possible and OTK with a big Assembled Nightingale. If you can't turn it off with Droplet or the Books then hopefully you can burn/bait negates with the sheer amount of recovery the birds have.

Turquoise Warbler is good for baiting negates.

Sapphire Swallow allows you to recover from it getting negated.

Recital Starling searches more birds, and can't reliably be stopped if you made it with Sparrow because they probably burned Ash on Sparrow.

Most of the time you can skip UDF going second. Just focus on making a big Assembled Nightingale using Bird Sanctuary. Lyrilusc games end on turn 2 one way or another. If the game is still going on turn 3 it's just cope from either you or your opponent.

Feather Storm is a really good Thrust target going first. Even if you get stopped in your tracks almost everything in the deck is a Wind Winged-Beast so it just gives you a whole turn to reset. Imperm is a backup plan. I haven't tried Daruma yet but Feather Storm should stop scenarios where you'd be using Daruma in the first place. Same with D Barrier. Try making an Apollousa without monster effects. I dare you. If you have it in your hand the deck can even reliably play through Maxx C.

Nice you made it to the bottom. You can message doremikori on Discord for more questions.

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Not many replays there but I'll add more as time goes. Everything should be Lyrilusc if you're looking at this sometime in November/December 2023.