
Master V from on November 8th, 2023
cp-ur 390 + cp-sr 690
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Ill explain each card choice and why (Not including the Floo cards or Pots)

  1. 2x Dyna: No need to explain why i have Dyna but 2 for consistency but not enough to brick me
  2. Dark Simorgh: Was added quite late, when i was in Diamond 1 due to the plethora of Labyrinth decks I had to deal with.
  3. Mist and Raiza: Needed in Every Floo deck imo. Raiza recycles my Harpie Trap card to the top of my deck also.
  4. Herold of the Abyss: Deals with Noir purrley xyz and other annoying cards like Arise Heart.
  5. Triple Tactics Talent: Only need one because Thrust can call it incase i want to control a monster or draw 2 cards. 6: 2x Triple Tactics Thrust: 2 needed for consistency without worry of bricking. Great card when i get Ash'd and i call Harpie. 7: Book of Moon and Eclipse: Moon to power through Imperm or generally face down a card. Eclipse to deal with hordes (Kashtira)
  6. 2x Called By the Grave: No explanation needed (Ash, droll Cough)
  7. 2x Harpie's feather storm: If you have this card and empen you have automatically won the duel
  8. 2x Evenly Matched: Clutch card for going second and dealing with hordes especially if you have herald to remove their last card
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