
Master V from on May 4th, 2024
cp-ur 900 + cp-sr 510
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Titled THREE KINGDOMS because Ninja + mikanko + infernobles + it's 3 axis lol


(this in no way covers every line but will get you started, there are many alternate lines through disruptions =D)

Goal is 2 Warriors or 2 level 3's (this goes into 2 warriors lol) to get to isolde

2 level 3's go into invoker, invoker summons morning star and adds heroic call to hand

overlay invoker into armor fortress, add the 2 armor cards to hand

heroic call a warrior from GY to field, morning star + whatever warrior go into isolde

(here's where it's the same regardless of your opener)

isolde add green ninja to hand

mill 4 equips (pref: green mikanko equip, digger, durendal, and angelica's)

summon upstart golden from deck

upstart golden discard the xyz trap you added to hand earlier, summon hanzo from deck hanzo add baku, special baku, baku add digger from GY to hand

hanzo + upstart go into dempsey, dempsey search renaud

special renaud, add durendal from GY to hand

dempsey + isolde into cross sheep

equip digger to anything

special turpin from hand, turpin + renaud go into roland, activate roland effect

digger banish hanzo or upstart, pop itself, summon them back

f/d hanzo + baku make meizen in cross sheep zone, revive upstart

overlay fortress into dark knight lancer lancer adds xyz trap from GY to hand

upstart discard trap to summon hanzo from deck, hanzo add mitsu

hanzo + roland into charles synchro

mitsu + upstart into saizo, set ninjitsu art of duplication

saizo + cross sheep + any extra **** you can get on field into apollousa

equip turpin to charles, make charles link

(optional if you have a mikanko in GY): green equip activate in GY to revive mikanko, set mikanko trap

End board should be: Charles link, Dark Knight Lancer, Meizen, 3 mat apo, dupe, angelicas (with optional mikanko spiritwalk), roland in GY ready to equip whenever

end phase: charles equip angelicas, pop the charles equip to make room

roland search gearfried from deck for followup

next turn in deck you have jioh and tobari. Meizen summons jioh, dupe summons tobari, tobari fuses with green in hand to banish and flip face down



Thrust for heavy slump, live your life, laugh when they have 2 cards in hand next turn

No thrust? normal summon hanzo, set dupe, pray 2 interupts win the game

No hanzo? Arabesque for Hu Li, get spiritwalk, laugh when you succ their 1 out in deck to her.

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