
Master V from on May 4th, 2024
cp-ur 1020 + cp-sr 780
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Deck feels great this month despite losing a few starters.

Swap out linkuriboh for S.P when she gets here.

Scarlight for omega maybe. i like scarlight because it can force interaction turn 2, as it threatens a board wipe. Amblowhale is also generally expendible considering the snake eyes engine has been reduced. Same with barron a bit honestly, doesnt come up as often as i expect. Extra deck needs a bit of work.

i think everyone and their cat knows the general strategy is isolde into spright sprind into infernoble line. so i wont really explain that.

Powertool is NOT expendible, it came up many times this climb.

Snake-eyes ash -> poplar -> poplar summon -> search original sinful spoils -> activate to summon ricardetto -> poplar backrow -> ash effect to get snake eyes dragon. synchro into powertool, and summon back ricardeto and another lvl 1. Powertool search durendal, durendal search renaud. SS renaud and go into isolde.

Activate as many hand effects as possible when you have gamma, and try to disguise which strat youre playing if youre going second. Mikanko is a win condition an equal number of times going second as infernoble is.

Metalsilver armour is cool but i dont think the deck can handle any more bricks.

I prefer sublimination to connector as it cant get ashed and has more synergy with general fire warriors.

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