
Master V from on March 31st, 2024
cp-ur 510 + cp-sr 690
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Boy oh boy am I happy, after hundreds and hundreds of games i can finally say ursa is master worth... well, depends. Ursarctic isn't good at the moment, at all, that's why it needs a lot of tech cards, kashtira, atlanteans, punk, even adventurers...it lacks consistency!

I relied a lot on time, i just playied more than the others and i had a good mental (this game is easy compared to LoL xd). Most of the games until about d2 where done before banlist and new cards so people are still trying to get/learn them, i can't imagine how much harder it is to climb with this deck now.

If you are still interested in picking this deck before support comes go check the Duelist Cup decklist as it is the same plus masurawo since it helped with dragoons brick, also bear in mind (pun intended) that i constantly swapped cards depending on enemies frequency, last dozens of games were done with red reboot as lab is a plague in ranked.

Please go check ursa channel in mdm discord if you want some replays or suggests :)

(I was also ranking up with kash ursa but then banlist dropped and didnt want to play a doomed deck, but it is very valid)

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