
Master V from on March 9th, 2024
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 270
57 cards

Notes & Combos

I think this deck is better than standard ninjas. You get full combo way more often and can play through more interactions than a regular ninja build, the lines are also all over the place and thus difficult to know what to hand trap for the opponent, which is good if you can memorize all the different lines. It's a good bit harder to play than regular ninjas, which are already pretty hard, but it's rewarding and def worth learning.

If you go first and draw terrortop, you won probably lol. You can play through a lot of interactions though depending on the hand going second, so it's not a go first only deck. End board is usually Meizen and 2-3 mat apo protected by elf with dupe set. Can be a bit better or a bit worse depending on the line you have to go to get there though.

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Replays: 371-598-320