Galaxy Photon

Master V from on March 5th, 2024
cp-ur 690 + cp-sr 600
42 cards

Notes & Combos

Going first decklist, combo guide is on the galaxy-eyes website, pinned in the mdmeta galaxy-photon channel.

Hope Harbinger against branded, Photon Blast against everything else.


After seeing TheMagnificentChinOfTristan list on thrust, I decided to try it out. It... went alright. I prefer the handtrap approach more, I guess it just resonates with me.

Dropped ash because when your on thrust rather than full HT package, it's very bad against snake-eyes. Although I ended up seeing lots of branded and other strategies, so might have been the wrong meta call. Crossout also becomes very scuffed.

Nib is very good right now. Almost everyone play it at 0 or 1, so nobody actually plays around nib. That might change as time passes.

If I were to do this again, I'd probably drop thrust and try effect veilor or ash or more talents. Most people end on a omni to stop thrust, and apollousa solos this deck (i love 0 atk normal summons).

Harpie usually minimum goes 1 for 1 with some backrow like the sinful spoils trap negate, and is very good against stun which is still everywhere.

As for engine:

3 orbital is a little weird, consistency was weird with thrust + HTs + 42 card deck. Didn't brick on it too much strangely enough.

No searchable backrow. The idea was that with people running so many HTs it's unlikely you'd go full combo & more, but it did happen (I'd go for followup, cleric & NLH). Usually full board is enough to clear snake-eyes. Hyper could've been nice for some board breaking though.

I still stand by prosp. Good for finding extenders, called by/crossout, harpie, talents, etc.

Good prosp banishes: Bagooska, Number 107, Zeus, 1st solflare, Full Armor, Cipher Blade/X, Hope/PBD.

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I saved some replays, replays this time are less good. Snake-eyes is so powerful going first it often becomes "did you draw the out (usually nib/talents)", and going second they can't really play through our endboard.

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