Formula Athletes

Master V from on March 2nd, 2024
cp-ur 1050 + cp-sr 450
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Ping me in the F.A. channel if you have any questions! around 65-70% winrate plat 5--->master 5

Climb was not to bad the deck really struggles againts decks with gy hate.the deck has enough gas to play around 2 or 3 negates or even more depending on your hand

the deck is very non linear so i cant really tell you about any combos since they will be different everygame but i can tell you rhinoheart+any field spell ends on a level 7+dawn a level 7+mach barrone,colossus and a level 7 whip but it all depends on what you want to do

Hardest part of playing this deck is knowing all of your opponents cards You need to know every matchup in the meta and exactly where the optimal use of each HT/interruption is based on your knowledge of the deck/what they've played so far/searched you also cant ever really missplay with your interruptions or HTs or you often instantly lose Being patient is the key don't shotgun cards just cause yellow button shiny

its the pain of playing a sub rogue deck

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i will be making tutorial for this list on my youtube channel soon so look out for that

it will include replays