
Master V from on June 11th, 2023
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 690
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Ok, Master 5 is this deck sealing for me

Change of heart is absolute MVP, everything meta (except Spright ofc) is level 8, steal and use! Played it over TTT bc you can steal Tear names before committing

Unicorn is a flex spot, Pegasus for synchro with lvl 4

WHERE IS ASH!? - Did not played it bc end board is not strong enough to fight for it, SS a Madame and search in archetype Imperm and pass

Bystials help play on oppo turn AND Ash is SO low impact in this format (except Branded ofc, but you can power through their boar even with engine)

Psychic End Punisher is THE GOAT and main reason to play this deck, he is the plan A and B, he is good turn one and game ending turn 3. Do not attack with him if you can not win, keep your oppo life high.

Will be glad to be proven wrong and someone taking MASTER 1 with the deck! Good luck!

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