
Master V from on June 12th, 2023
cp-ur 900 + cp-sr 600
41 cards

Notes & Combos

This is Tasuku's P.U.N.K. list that you are seeing here. Bystials of course are very potent and we can capitalise further here with Lubellion being a level 8 which is a fantastic pairing with our tuners. You can reduce deck size by 1 if you want to keep it 40 and I would suggest taking out 1 Saronir. Usually you can get the entire Bystial half of the engine rolling with any draw of Lubellion and Saronir which is why we are maxing out on those and I can see why Tasuku prefers it this way.

Crocodragon is simply there to turn smaller Bystials into a draw 1 and rarely can offer more forms of interaction if you can afford to discard 2. Giantrainer is hilarious and surprisingly pretty powerful but he doesnt come up that often, you can just as easily replace him with Dingirsu or a Hope Harbinger. The rank 3 allows easy access to Zeus with direct attacks (Although you do need to detach a XYZ mat) without having to invest into another extra deck monster of Downerd Magician.

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