
Master V from on June 3rd, 2023
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 570
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Tried experimenting with Winter Cherries, but unfortunately the deck ended up feeling very inconsistent and it didn't have the impact I expected it to have, ended up swapping back to the regular zoroa engine.

Tear matchup goes well, spright goes eh, versus stun depends on your hand (triple evenly is there for a reason) and versus floo often feels unplayable; I tried running veiler for it, but it's just not worth it.

I also tried Arment, and while it was useful, there wasn't ever a situation in which I thought i'd prefer it over vadis, pax or returnia, so i ended up replacing it for TTT instead.

Cyclone is a massive gamechanger, being able to draw phase banish or get rid of continuous spells was really helpful.

Winrate went great up until about D3-D2, and then every game was pretty much back and forth.

A major issue is getting milled out to be honest, as it often feels if Kelbek/Agido mill your engine randomly you might have just lost for free; you want to close out your games as soon as possible.

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