
Master V from on January 27th, 2024
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 480
41 cards

Notes & Combos

Deck list mostly copied from Banben's list here:

I like Traptrix variants that run few traps to utilize Treacherous Trap Hole for whatever reason, and Super Heavy Samurai seemed like an interesting alternative to Vernusylphs as a supplementary engine. (i.e. I want to play with new toy before they inevitably get hit. Though, no Soulpiercer and minimal Scarecrow reliance means this package might get to stick around regardless)

The main thing I changed was adding a MerrymakerChampion SargasRegulus package. I like having the option to go into a four-material Zeus through Sargas when forced to go second so that I can still resolve Zeus through a negate. I think a 41 main deck count is funny, so I didn't bother cutting anything.

I also added a Synchro package because I like having the option to recycle Wakaushi into a pend scale. Cutting down to a single level 8 like Sarutobi/Omega/Draco Berserker might make more sense since Baronne is only possible if I hard draw Bike or discard Gamma with Scarecrow.

I dropped Rafflesia because she doesn't seem all that necessary for Treacherous variants. I also ended up cutting Cularia for Cerberus since sometimes I wanted a generic link, like linking off Sargas if I had no other machines in GY for Regulus.

Almiraj is Almiraj. I didn't need it for eXceed right up until I cut it. Then I needed it. :')

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