Superheavy Samurai

Master V from on January 11th, 2024
cp-ur 690 + cp-sr 540
40 cards

Notes & Combos

FTK, you know the drill. Hopefully Konami does something before bots get a hold of this.

Handtraps are personal choice, you could swap Crow, Ogre for Belle or Veiler. Ballista/Box/Coral is backup plan to complete scale if Wakaushi got Ogre'd. Jizukiru can be cut for more ht or Soulpeacemaker.

Droll is usually turn-ender. FTK through Maxx C challenge is possible if opp doesn't play enough ht, but Bagooska pass backing up by ht is more prefered.

If lose coin toss, pray that 15 hts are enough to survive.

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