
Master V from on January 18th, 2024
cp-ur 600 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Springans 2024:

This deck alot of fun to play with the many combinations you can do with your choice of build. I went for Omni negate build with Infinity + Borrel + Regulus + Sargas endboard. Going first this deck does well maintaining its board, sometimes handtraps do get in the way but its what it is.

As for going second, that where this deck struggles more as the decks starting combo is fragile vs removeral and omni negates with little backup to follow. I do have many handtraps and Kaijus to prevent it but sometimes it not enough.

as for vs the current meta, it just depends if you open the droll, Maxx C, draw into nib etc.

No replays this time.

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