
Master V from on January 14th, 2024
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 630
47 cards

Notes & Combos

This month decided to go mid-range Labrynth. Changes from last month include my adding solemns. I chose this tech as I felt if I was going first or second I had a comback aganist some decks. Was good at stopping Ash. (Solemns can be removed if needed) Added Gozen and Virus but felt that Gozen did not do much aganist SHS so could be taken out. Virus did work espically in my last match reaching Master V (replay included) Took out the Bystial package as dragon link is no longer top tier and barely saw them during the climb. Added second Lovely as first one always got banished and the second caught people by suprise. Gamma was the best this time as can only be answered by ash so was the GOAT for me.

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428-280-702 Replays