Dragon Link

Master V from on January 7th, 2024
cp-ur 720 + cp-sr 570
42 cards

Notes & Combos

Wyverburster will be missed.

But I think overall the deck is in a good spot, it doesn't bullshit through everything and you need to be mindful on how you play, cuz you can't always OTK. I do enjoy a more back and forth so I'll still play this deck occasionally.

Playing vs pre banlist stuff wasn't fun, lots of DShifter and Tcboo, but the deck still performed pretty well.

  • I tried Chaos Space with Chaos Emperor but it felt unnecessary and I would usually brick with Spaces, since now it's not a starter I don't think it's worth playing in most list (some might find success in 60c lists).
  • Veiler helped a lot, not only as a hand trap but a way to get rid of Tcboo, being a target for One for One was clutch a few times.
  • Seyfert not as good but it's still a great grind tool and it gives access to Bystials, you can send it with Ravine, reborn with Pisty and send Meteor to add Saronir, that way you get Lubellion and Magna. This is why I'm playing 3 Tracer.
  • I might try a 2nd Regained to compensate the lack of Chaos Space.

I might try E-Tele in the future, with Ghost Ogre and Accel in the extra over the Accesscode, to help utilizing Gamma.

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