Galaxy Photon

Master V from on February 10th, 2024
cp-ur 630 + cp-sr 660
44 cards

Notes & Combos

Firstly: Going first decklist, combo guide is on the galaxy-eyes website, pinned in the mdmeta galaxy-photon channel.

Hope Harbinger against branded (maybe SHS too?), Photon Blast against everything else.

After seeing drain's Master V list where they played more handtraps to try to not draw the bricks, I decided to try the same.

Went pretty well, if you brick on HTs you can always stop your opponent until you draw combo.

Kanimize has seen success in Master V doing the exact opposite, dropping HTs for pure gas. Really interesting to see the differences in deckbuilding.

Pot of Prosp is really good in this deck, we don't have any draw cards outside of cleric. I prosp for 6 going second, and usually prosp 3 going first (unless I know I'm not going for a cipher line)

Usually I prosp asap to find asap to find anti-HTs (droll for maxx C, crossout, called by, TTT, or just more gas), or cards I need to break boards (imperm, hyper, etc)

My preferred prosp targets: Bagooska, Number 107, Zeus, 1st solflare, Full Armor, Cipher X or Hope.

2 orbital 3 jumper is a really weird ratio, but jumper lines play around droll better.

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I handpicked my replays this time to ones I really enjoyed. Most are me playing through Maxx C or Droll.

User ID is 060-511-858.