
Master V from on December 16th, 2023
cp-ur 720 + cp-sr 480
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Mathmech Marincess

Deck performed as i expected and does decently well but vs the current diverse meta can be difficult. I decieded to use belle & nibiru cause of the amount of Mathmech + Branded as both decks tend to use the GY and Summon 5+ Monsters when they perform their usual board.

As for the Extra deck, it is Unicorn weak but thats the risk we gotta take but however my progress vs Kash hasnt been too much of a issue. Sometimes usual lose to Ariseheart but overall Unicorn hasnt been a hinderance to me.

As for other decks its really a coin toss if i go first or not. however vs Mikanko, if i get the mathmech marincess stuff out, yeah mikanko cannot stop Superfactorial unless they draw the out, and its usually a win after sending 3 of their cards to the GY from Laplacian.

No replays as the grind was too much of a pain and nothing really was intresting during the match. but details are shown on my Marincess Guide and Pinned Message about Mathmech Marincess on the Master Duel Meta Discord in the Marincess Channel.

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