
Master V from on December 15th, 2023
cp-ur 1140 + cp-sr 180
40 cards

Notes & Combos



Scareclaw: 3x Reichheart for consistency, also the best normal summon until the new support comes out. 2 Reichphobias, 3 is too much imo, you don't wanna open it.

Kashtira: Applies pressure going second or baits HTs going first, Scarekash makes Light-Heart

Bystials: Overperformed, they stopped Mathmech/Branded pretty effectively and were also really good going second as extenders.

Enemy controller: Insane in this deck. You effectively trade monsters after activating your normal summon and potentially dodge targeting effects, it's also good going first as an extra interruption.

TTT: Self explanitory

Why imaginings?: Surprisingly enough, it baits ash very often and is just good at digging for engine. The tuner effect never came up for me.

You can also try the Elemental HERO Prisma package, it sends visas to the grave as cost and if its effect resolves, it becomes a free link material for Light-Heart.

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