
Master V from on December 12th, 2023
cp-ur 1050 + cp-sr 360
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Tried climbing with Branded until Master 5. I might not be very good at piloting the deck, but I'm enjoy the varying playstyle so all is good. :)

Based on "Dawning"s list, I employed some of the generic handtraps. I guess, aside from being the first meta deck I played when its first support came out, I like how the deck is not bothered that much with maxx c. Maxx c can be a turn 1 ender if I play a combo deck (like Mathmech) which is not the case here.

Not playing the lock version right now because It is not my preffered style. Might add Sanctifire if evenly matched proves dominant on ladder (which is not).

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784-335-203 1 game against Tearlaments is recorded at the top of the list showcasing the best field I can do.

Open to any suggestions or questions.