
Master V from on April 24th, 2024
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 540
45 cards

Notes & Combos

Vaylantz still feels pretty good, I've been on multiple 8+ winstreaks on the way. I dont like using dyna but in this meta with snake eyes around, it feels like we do need the edge and I don't really feel too bad about it.

I mainly use the SHS engine as just an extra body and pop coral with electrumite to grab what i need, but it's very adaptable and you can use it as needed. If it works out that I can make a baronne later on then that's great but I don't force it.

Basic endboard is Arktos, dyna, apollo and maybe some extra stuff if your hand was gas.

Going 2nd you just kill them because this deck is insane at breaking boards and that's where the real fun comes in.

If you need more help going 2nd you could add in 1 or 2 more lava golems, or denko sekka/red reboot if you are running into a lot of trap decks. Could also cut borrelsword or accesscode for another arktos if 1 isn't enough.

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