
Master V from on April 21st, 2024
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 390
42 cards

Notes & Combos

This was the most difficult climb since tear meta for me. I spend like 3 days trying to get out of Diamond 1, I won 3 games in a row then the last game was ALWAYS against snake-eye with a mid hand or a floo player (after I setup my standard board that just reacts to SS). The deck is not bad by any means, is really good, but snake-eye is just insane. I won like 4 out of 10 games against it bc I draw better that my opponent, if they do full combo just scoop. Against r-ace a similar story, if you don't have any HT just scoop, but I won like 7 out of 10 games against r-ace decks. I saw a LOT of mikanko and floo for some freaking reason so be prepared for that.

It's amazing the amount of times that I draw requiem on my first hand, I cried everytime. But still, I wouldn't remove it, is just too good of an interaction to cut. I added evenly bc I was losing a lot of coin flips, just like requiem, is good interaction, either it gets negated or you clear the board but it is difficult to use reliably on this deck as well bc you want to set traps or SS monsters when you open minimal setup, so I don't recommend running it. I post it with evenly just to show that you can add board breakers or specific cards according to what you encounter the most like red reboot if you encounter a lot of lab.

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No replays, most of the games you win by good HT timing or setting up your standard King ceaser, soul and escape.