
Master V from on April 17th, 2024
cp-ur 1170 + cp-sr 750
60 cards

Notes & Combos

This is my 60 card pile version of Resonators, it's not as consistent as my 50 card bystial version but it got a lot of tools for all sitations as well as the ability to set red reign with thrust if you have to make a strong board with minimal special summons due to not having an answer for maxx C.

Sometimes you just want the option to at least have all tools needed and this deck will probably be slightly better once Flame Crime comes out for more red reign consistency as a posibility.

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ID is 288-000-463 I usually keep some replays of my Various resonator decks in action as public. I currently only play Bystial based either 50 card Version or a 60 card Pile Version.