
Master V from on April 23rd, 2024
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 570
48 cards

Notes & Combos

Well, this was a nightmare so far figuring out what can be done with Evol.

The combos are really long and there's a lot I still am learning but you can do a lot off of a single bonfire with any NS monster or the ole reliable: Naja+Force

For these two:

  1. Bonfire->poplar SS->add OSS->linkuriboh and backrow poplar->OSS poplar into Mega->NS something->mega special lios->lios set singularity and send pholis->link into promethean and SS pholis->pholis SS mega FD and set evo force->evo force mega SS vulcano and SS Lios from grave->xyz Dolkka->link 4 pholis and princess into amblo

  2. set naja and activate evo force->SS 2 lios or at least 1 lios and 1 level 4->lios set singlularity, lios send Pholis->link into spright elf->SS pholis, pholis SS Najasho and set force->evo force again->SS 2 vulcano and revive the two level 4 dinos in grave-> xyz into dolkka and laggia->opp turn singularity into lars after negating with laggia, a self contained 2 card combo that could be further expanded considering extenders like bonfire and WANTED/one for one/small world/etc

Has troubles with board breaking and handtraps of all sorts, so stuff like bonfire and other extenders/anti handtrap cards help ensure you can actually play. I'm open to hearing more ideas to improve this build, the new support has a lot of potential I think.

I played GK for like 10% of my matches but generally stayed on Evol from D3-M5, but if better optimized I think the deck could work out well. Yes I am missing a 3rd bonfire still.

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