
Master I from on September 29th, 2023
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 330
40 cards

Notes & Combos

I should have done this earlier in the season, but nonetheless it was still a big challenge of just having the RNG go my way after more than 6 cycles of win/loss near the end.

Some major tips:

  • In the mirror match, use your Yeap to chain block the opponent's quick-play spell the moment they run out of quick-play spells, so that they can't attach the 5th material to make Noir.
  • Use your quick-play spells in the draw phase to play around droll if you can afford it.
  • Learn the Happiness OTK and it'll save you hours of unnecessary grind. It's easy, just make them indestructible by battle with Delicious, then mak Happiness with Happy Memory, then as long as you can attack with no further foreseeable interruptions, you have game from 4 attacks, and attaching 2 more Happy and 1 more Delicious Memory.

Some rationale for my techs:

  • Protector of the Agents is for Skill Drain, tribute for cost.
  • Goddess is just in case but I never used her.
  • 2 Yeap traps for the grind in the mirror match.
  • Lava Golem and Droplet for breaking boards. Worked especially well against Kashtira, Purrely mirrors, or Spright.
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Replays soon to come, likely early October 2023. https://youtube.com/timaeus22222