
Master I from on September 29th, 2023
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 600
42 cards

Notes & Combos

Pure punk kashtira deck with heavy synchro access through kashtiras + instant contact - kept getting tails on cointoss so I made a handtrap heavy list that's good going 1st or 2nd. With a 60% chance of opening 2 hand traps going 2nd (with 15 at 42 cards) alongside the kashtiras additional going 2nd power it performed amzingly well.

5 ways of hard dealing with roach and 3 additional with droll lines of which I have a few examples effectively giving you a ~70% chance to play through it.

All in all a lot of fun to play and can create interesting turn 1 boards with instant contact + kashtira cards, chengying can be swapped out for a diablosis and additionally you can cut a handtrap for a 2nd sharakusai that comes up rarely, dragite came up a lot through an extra foxy in hand or instant contact and chaos angel adds some extra protection to insulate your synchros.

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https://youtu.be/h-5lKKy3Rfw - Played through Nib for insane grind game with insane ending Vs. Swordsoul

https://youtu.be/gofGnrW5tZ0 - Going 2nd protected otk line Vs Swordsoul under Roach

https://youtu.be/gTA73qlZqRA - Playing through Shifter Vs. Stun

https://youtu.be/hyQCdDcC7HU - Going 2nd Vs. Dogmatika Mikanko

https://youtu.be/_Usax1t8C68 - Our turn Ikea Lab

https://youtu.be/qkymPB2aI7E - Going 2nd Vs. Spright

Many more games on the channel with different punk builds as well.