Adventure Phantom Knights

Master I from on September 9th, 2023
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 480
42 cards

Notes & Combos

First time using the deck. The climb was really easy. I entered Master 1 with a 5 win streak. The deck was very good and delivered consistent and hard to break boards going first, while being pretty decent at going second as well. The usual end board was some combination of Rusty Bardiche, DPE, Gryphon or Fenrir and 1 or 2 Fog Blades, which doesn't seem that powerful on paper but you have like 3 or 4 interruptions, not including whatever you hard drew, like handtraps or Droplet. Going second, Droplet carried hard and you can easily OTK with 2 Level 3s -> the Phantom Knights of Break Sword -> pop itself and one card -> 2 Level 4s -> Arc Rebellion.

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