
Master I from on October 3rd, 2023
cp-ur 600 + cp-sr 540
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Mill 3 turbo

I drew cobra way too often

Usual scenarios are:

  • Jasmine tributes Strenna when Discolosseum is up is usually Regulus + Baronne + Kanzashi + Konkon + Sheet minimum. I'll let you figure out the lines but it usually involves making Ancient Fairy pop Discolosseum add Konkon and Jasmine add a Lonefire.
  • You can make Cross-sheep and Ready Fusion to bring back a Lonefire in GY. Usually you can end on Apollousa on top of a Plant board
  • Regulus is extremely easy to get to, either hard draw or mill it off Pione.
  • You miss about 5% of the time and simply play Rikka Control. Sometimes you have enough extenders to push through tough.
  • I usually like to use Mudan early to search Glamour and access field spell later either with Cattycorn or Ancient Fairy.

This is overall worse than Sunavalon Rikka but the combo lines are a lot more non-linear so if you want to take a break from Loci combo you can try this. This deck can however play much better into backrow since you can make toolbox cards like Ancient Fairy, Baronne and Savage to out floodgates. Also plays better into Droll since you get your resource from milling.

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