
Master I from on October 24th, 2023
cp-ur 1110 + cp-sr 360
40 cards

Notes & Combos

This deck has an insanely favorable Kashtira matchup, as they are extremely weaks to mind control and similar cards, which made this climb incredibly easy.

You choose going second on cointoss. The Link 2 charmers are generic and can be made with any two monsters, so we run a lot of engines that give us varied attributes for the atk boost from Awakening of the Possessed (AotP), as well as being able to use the link 2 charmers as a toolbox to steal from the opponent's Graveyard.

Mikanko Engine gives you Light + Stolen monster (refleciton rondo equipped to the opponent with ohime's field effect)

Sky Striker gives you Fire, Dark or Wind and enough for a link 2 charmer without normal summoning

Souls engine cycles through the deck and sents spells that don't meet their activation requirement of the combo of AotP + Possessed Partnertships

Mind control and similar spells steal from the opponent to link away for link 2 charmers and re-steal their monsters

Preparation of Rites enables mikanko/souls engine Thrust is an insane toolbox on this going second deck Abyss for Purrely, but I saw purrely less than I thought.

Luna synergizes with the charmer cards in the build and is a powerful normal summon of her own right

Kashtira Fenrir/Kurikara are powerful meta-conscious going second cards

The Vampire xyz can be made with any 2 stolen monsters, Arise heart can be made if the opponent activated Shangri-Ira.

Any link 2 charmer can turn into Accesscode if the right conditions are met (3 spells in either gy/field, spellcaster in gy, monster with matching attribute in the opponent gy) these conditions are easier to meet than you would think.

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Duelist ID: 335-751-038

You can check out my profile for some replays from this season, I'm always playing charmers. You can also head to the Master Duel Meta discord server and find the charmer channel, I post replays all the time there and you can ask me questions about the deck.