
Master I from on October 7th, 2023
cp-ur 1050 + cp-sr 480
42 cards

Notes & Combos

This decklist is based on Abe's decklist from previous seasons, just added a few different tech cards, so shoutout to him for that and check his videos out if you want to learn more about the combo's! I wanted to reach M1 before Kashtira came out because the matchup with them is rough against agents. You can replace a few of the tech cards with thrust and kurikara when the new pack comes out. The run to M1 wasn't bad at all, I would say it was one of my smoother runs. The main thing here is duality, which comes pretty handy in this deck, it allows your starters (diviner and earth) to dodge targeting effects like imperm and also acts as an extender by placing another lvl 2 tuner fairy and activates diviner's tributing effect. The other duality targets are: Lubellion->Chaos Dragon(doesn't activate its milling effect but can be used to make Lubellion dodge or put more damage on board) and Majesty Hyperion-> Invoked Augoeides/Kristy (if in hand). It also recycles and draw one when in gy, making it a good mill target with Chaos Dragon. Invoked Augodeides and Omega didn't come up much but were impactful when they did.Looking forward to improvements to this deck when the new pack comes out!

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ID: 990-535-974 Few misplays here and there but hopefully you get the point with the combo and lines